Oblique Surfaces and Edges - Definition
Surfaces or lines that are positioned at an angle with respect to all the principal
projection are oblique. An oblique surface
will never appear as an line or as a true size area in any of the
principal views. It appears as a foreshortened area in each principal
view. An oblique line will NEVER appear true length or as a point in a
principal view. It will ALWAYS appear foreshortened.
To show an
oblique surface true size, you would first
have to draw an auxiliary view to show the edge view of the surface. A
second auxiliary view that projects the edge view of that surface onto a
plane parallel to it will show that surface true size.
Reading Oblique Surfaces
To identify oblique surfaces in given orthographic views, realize that the
oblique surface will appear as an area in all principle views. The area
must contain the same number of vertices in each view. Unlike the
foreshortened views of inclined surfaces, the general shape of oblique
surfaces need not maintain similarity of shape in the principal orthographic
When given two views of an object, it is usually easy to identify surfaces
which match up vertex for vertex. If a surface is identified and the
points are labeled, project it into the remaining view to see if in fact all vertices of the
surfaces match up. Once the two views of the surface are
identified and labeled, the points can easily be projected into the
missing view.
If you look at the handout Orthographic
Reading of Plane Surfaces, you will notice that inclined surfaces
oblique surfaces can appear as areas in two principal views. When
a drawing, if you locate a surface that appears as an area in two
views,you may not be able to determine immediately whether the surface
is inclined or
To make the determination, label the vertices of the surface in both
given the two views then project into the missing view. Once this is
accomplished, the type of
surface will be obvious. If the surface is inclined, it will appear as
a line in the missing view. If the surface is oblique, it will appear
an area.
Follow this link to a site on Oblique surface
The following group of pictures show how an oblique surface is different from an inclined surface in that there is not a view where the "slant" is represented by a line. The angle between the top, front and right or profile projection planes IS LESS THAN 90 degrees, so it is not possible to appear as a line in any view.
Top view of Oblique surface |
Right view of Oblique surface |
Front view of Oblique surface | | | | |
The following pictures show an isometric view of a solid block in addition to the front, top and right (or profile) views. Notice how in all three views the oblique surface NEVER appears as a line, but ALWAYS appears as a "foreshortened" area. I have added dimensions so you can keep track of the faces in the various views.
Isometric view of Oblique surface |
| | | | |
Top View of Oblique surface |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Right View of Oblique Surface
Front View of Oblique surface |
Study the relationships between the surfaces shown |
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